Natuke aega tagasi käisin ma korra jalutamas. Ei ma ei lonkinud niisama tühja, vaid mu jalutamine oli eesmärgistatud. Ja väljas sadas vihma. Koju sain olin ma läbimärg, ainsad kohad mis kuivad olid, olid mu jalad, sest need olid peidetud punastesse kummikutesse . Ma hakkasin mõtlema.. (jah, ka mina mõtlen vahepeal) et, miks sajab vihma. Ma ju tean, et tegelikult toimuvad seal kõrgel mingid protsessid ja midagi aurustub ja midagi kondenseerub ja midagi kukub tänu Maa külgetõmbejõule alla... Kuid äkki on seekord Taevas hoopis kurb? Äkki tal on samasugune halamise ja nukrutsemise tuju nagu mul? Äkki ta nutab sama suuri krokodillipisaraid nagu mina... Ja nii ma siis jalutasin ja mõtlesin, ning mulle meenus luuletus, mille ma aastaid tagasi kirjutasin. See on ka Taeva pisaratest ja natuke ka teistest asjadest. Natuke algeline, natukene lohisev... Aga inglise keel pole mu emakeel ja ma ei ole luuletaja ka, niiet ehk õnnestub välja vabandada :)

Tears of the Sky

Just stop and listen to the rain

Can you feel the hidden pain?

These are tears of the Sky

Don’t you know the place up there high?

These tears come from the bad,

The people are doing or done had.

From all the anger in this world,

Evilness, jealousy or just a mean word

People are malicious and they don’t care,

That’s why the Sky is crying today.

We would make a change if we’d only try,

Believe us- it’s not hard just to care.

He tries to help us, but nobody is listening,

It’s sad that people are too selfish to care.

He has learned that no good word can help no more,

He pays back, hurts us and makes us suffering.

Sky takes all this badness into himself,

He is ready to listen, to forgive and help.

If you would reach your hand towards him

He’d help you and saves you from this crap.

If you’d take the time and will,

To say I’m sorry, I’m still caring.

You won’t be anymore in pains and ill,

And the Sky won’t let a tear go falling.

He would be happy and smiling,

Because He saved these lost souls.

20. 01. 2007



My photo
Tartu, Estonia
Do you ever wonder if we make the moments in our lives or if the moments in our lives make us? (OTH)
